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The DItch Your Diet Method






Lemme guess you’re so confused with all the

*next best thing* diets out there and you’re not even sure what healthy even is anymore!

Is it that Keto diet your co-worker is on?


The sugar-free protocol you saw on Dr. Oz last week??


Or the vegetarian plan that the latest Netflix documentary recommended?!?  


AND you’re wondering how all these chicks on Instagram seem to be prepared with a week's worth of chef-looking healthy meals  (#mealprepenvy ) when you can barely even find the time to eat breakfast!!

You’re craving the RIGHT advice that will actually work for YOU, YOUR SCHEDULE & YOUR BUDGET!  

You’re dying for the time, energy, motivation, (& funds) to eat healthy, consistently!  


And to be honest the lack of nutrition and stress is causing you to notice a couple extra stomach rolls that weren’t there a couple months ago. 


More than that, you are SO DONE with

-The days of restrictive diets!

-Plain broccoli, chicken & rice dinners!

-Handfuls of supplements &

-Those unfulfilling weight loss shakes that have you hungry only an hour after having them!   


If I have this right, you’re simply looking for something,

anything really, that will actually work to create sustainable long-term success for you on YOUR TERMS.


If so,

you’re in the right place & is why

I cordially invite you to.....



Private Health Coaching Program

I created this program for you because I want you to know there a solution to your struggles. I want to save you the years of yo-yo dieting and being unnecessarily stressed out. I want to guide step by step towards creating the lifestyle you deserve.  I've been there and want to save you the years of yo-yo dieting. 
I want to show you how to simplify healthy eating so that you can make sure you are fitting nutritious & tasty meals into your diet despite your hectic schedule.
In this signature program, I teach you how to overlook all the fancy diets & fad weight loss foods, and focus on what actually does work;
I'm referring to good ol’ fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, meats & dairy. Foods that are overflowing beautiful vitamins and minerals. These foods in their natural state are stripped of inflammatory-causing artificial ingredients, preservatives & sugar so that your body can focus on healing, eliminating excess weight & have you looking gorgeous 
(well, more gorgeous)! 
Not only that, but I show you how you 100% CAN fit these small healthy habit tweaks into your crazy schedule in a very UNRESTRICTIVE way so that you can create real momentum with your health & weightloss goals!

Learning WHAT to eat is only half the battle.


Learning HOW to fit the "what" into your busy lifestyle is how you will create real LONG TERM success.

Meal Prep
In this program, you will learn exactly HOW to incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle & budget so that eating healthier & losing weight is no longer a pipe dream! 
In this program, I not only teach you WHAT to eat
but I also provide you with step-by-step instructions on HOW to simply, quickly, deliciously, & inexpensively fit healthy, balanced whole food inspired meals into every damn meal!
Let me show you how...

Phase 1 

Create a Customized  Plan 

  • In this phase, we start to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be with your health & lifestyle goals.



  • We work on creating a custom meal plan that works for you! Because the same diet is not for all of us ( that’s why previous diets might have worked like magic for your best friend but caused you to bloat like puffer fish). It’s important to know what foods will work best for YOU and your unique nutritional needs!  We also uncover what seemingly healthy foods could be lurking in your current diet that could be sabotaging your success! Say goodbye to sluggish energy and unwanted belly bloat.



  • Most importantly, we work on smart goal setting so that we can turn those big scary wishes into manageable bite-sized action steps so that you can clearly see how your life will change in just 3 short months.

Phase 2 

Grocery Shop Like a Pro
  • In this phase, we take a virtual grocery store tour together so that you can learn how to navigate the grocery store like a pro!


  • Learn how to shop for the foods on your new meal plan without dropping your whole paycheck in one trip!  


  • I'm going to tell you exactly what foods to have on hand at all times so that you can throw together healthy meals in a pinch at any time! 


  • Learn how to really maximize your dollar by gaining access to money-saving grocery store hacks, exclusives recipes, produce storage recommendations & “how-to” videos so that you don’t waste another dollar on fresh food going bad at the bottom of your fridge again!





PHase 3

 Fit "it all" in
  • We’re going to be able to pass that #mealprepenvy torch to someone more deserving in this phase because you are going to learn how to make tasty meals in minutes so you're not subjected to skipping meals, eating unhealthy treats from the vending machine or ordering takeout. 



  • Learn how to efficiently plan fresh meals that are overflowing with nutrition in minutes so that you can get back to that high priority to-do list of yours.



  • We're all given the same 24 hours in a day. In this phase, you will learn how to maximize your time & manage “all the things” so that you can do more of what you truly love (which could be doing nothing at all)! 



  • Learn how to effectively plan your busy week so that you gain control back. Feel a sense of calmness and relief wash over you knowing that you have all the resources & accountability you'll need to reach your health goals!

Phase 4

 Next  Level  Nutrition 


  • By this point, you know the basics of healthy eating & how to fit it into your lifestyle. In this phase, learn how to fine-tune your nutrition so that you can see real results with your fitness & weight loss goals.  


  • Learn how to create a well-balanced meal, what specific nutrients you uniquely need & how to properly portion out your food so that you’re not obsessively counting calories, weighing your food or any other crazy dieting tactic!



What's Included in the program


  • (3) Months of 1:1 Health Coaching

    • (9) 60-Minute Phone Calls 


  • (9) Session Recaps & Personalized Recommendations So That You Don't Have To Worry About Taking Notes, I Got Ya Covered. 


  • Customized Holistic Nutrition Plan That Takes The Guess Work Out Of Meal Planning!

    • Accompanied With Grocery Shopping Lists! 


  • "Simple Balanced Eats Cookbook & More" So That You Can Have 70 Stunningly Simple Recipes That The Whole Family Will Love At Your Fingertips!


  • Core Workbooks That Will Set You Up For Ultimate Success 

    •    “Meal Prep Like a Pro” Workbook

    •    “Back to Basics Healthy Eating ”  Guide

    •    “Get Shit Done” Calendar System


  • Unlimited Text / Email Support During Weekly Office Hours So That We Can Work Through Tough Moments Outside Of Our Sessions & Celebrate Wins!  


  • A Supportive Professional That Will Hold You Accountable On Your Wellness Journey! #NoMoreExcuses

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How to reserve your spot

1.) Schedule Your FREE Consultation Call

This session is absolutely free and is my way of seeing if I can indeed be of help and making sure I am the right coach for you. 


2.) Review deal breakers and deal makers, making sure that this program is right for YOU. 


3.) If I think we are a great fit, and I can absolutely get you to where you want to go, then we’ll also talk about the possibility of working together and what that would look like. 






How long is the program?

The program is 3-months in length.



Three months is a strategic amount of time. It is the appropriate amount of time for you to encounter and work through various scenarios such as good and bad moods, stressful situations, social situations, change of seasons, setbacks, etc.


ok, I'm READY TO SIGN UP asap! How can I pay? 

You can pay via credit card, check, cash or PayPal. 



Will I have to be on a restricted diet? Because I don't like to be told "no"

No way, José!   I’d would never recommend anything of the sort.  We start from where you are and gently guide you to where you want to be with your eating habits through small sustainable goals. Restrictive diets get us nowhere, except back where we started from after bingeing on birthday cake. 



How often are our calls? 

Every week. You pick the time and day that works best for you and we will stick with that time and date for the remainder of the program for added accountability. For example, every other Tuesday at 7 pm over the course of 3 months. (Total of 9 sessions)  



I have a crazy schedule, When are the calls? 
All calls are pre-planned ahead of time to avoid any conflicting dates. If you do need to miss a session for any reason, that is fine. I account for one additional make-up session at the end of the program to account for any missed sessions.


Can I expect to lose weight? 

 Yes! I provide you will all the tools to lose weight and feel your absolute best! Secondly, there is a money back guarantee if you are thoroughly not happy at the end of the 30 days into the  program (given  that you attended each call and put in the work) Finally, throughout the program you will learn that when you really find health and balance in your life, weight loss is a by-product.  





Affordable Payment Options
 NOW Available


You're the perfect fit for this program if... 

  • You find yourself wasting so much money on ALL THE weight loss programs, cookbooks, diet shakes & meal plans but can’t ever seem to follow through with them!
  • You're sick of hopping from diet to diet only to quit them weeks later because 1.)  life is crazy & 2.) diets suck
  • You KNOW deep in your bones that having someone to check in with will hold you accountable to actually creating those long term healthy habits! #NoMoreExcuses

HeY! I'm Jamie,





Listen, I know how truly exhausting it feels to be in your shoes. 

I'm aware of how frustrating and overwhelming it can be to look at yourself in dissatisfaction and lack of understanding about how you let yourself get in that position in the first place. 
I know how hard you're trying with little to no success. I know all about the stress and anxiety that goes along with creating a healthier lifestyle, on top of maintaining a busy time-consuming job & family. 
I want to save you the years of yo-yo dieting and being unnecessarily stressed out. I want to guide step by step towards removing the bad habits and establishing good, beneficial, life-long habits that will help you create the lifestyle you really desire (& deserve). 
I want you to receive the information, accountability, and coaching to help you gain the same benefits that I have realized in my own life. I want you to look back on your situation 3 months from now and see all the progress you that you achieved!


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